In the year 2000 I visited Mexico, Guatemala and Belize. These are some magical places to visit and I picked up quite a few interesting items. One of them was a talisman, more specifically a Herradura Santa Muerte (read some more about it on the internet ). I never actually […]
Pakje Kunst
3 posts
It’s very fascinating and a little scary when other people talk about your work. What do they see? What direction does the work take them in?There’s a YouTube playlist on the “Pakje Kunst” channel. It is called “Meneer Visser kijkt naar kunst” and it reviews tiny works sent in to […]
Board games – actually all games – have always had a strong fascination to me. Part of it must be their inherent symbolism: codified conflict, trade and cooperation in a wild variety of themes and styles. We have been playing them for at least 5000 years (personally I suspect a […]